Saturday, 5 July 2014

"Poetry Please" submission - Haiku

I sent this over to the Waitrose "Poetry Please" competition. You can find more details on their website here. I originally saw the competition on another writer's blog that I follow; at blogaboutwriting.(some great pointers and excellent posts for writers).

A little girl was a winner (which I think is lovely), along with five other ladies - a competition for all ages. I think my writing style was not quite on the subject they needed... after reading the other lighter pieces which I did enjoy. It's an interesting concept writing for a specific market and I am glad I sent a couple off for a chance. I find it makes a great focus for making one write and the bonus - a tiny chance of maybe winning something.

Here is a haiku that I wrote for this competition for June. Maybe I should have written one about PIMMS  with the tennis on right now (poor Andy - a tough competition this year at Wimbledon.)

Quintessence drunk by
ladies and gentlemen; ice
and a slice complete. 

Answer = a G&T to which I am quite partial!

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