Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Going for a walk - the 'Down's Link' way

Yesterday I had to get out for my 'oh no; impending school holiday'/ "get me out of here" walk! I always have done so - for years. I highly recommend it. I only manage a couple of miles but I am not a competitive soul.

We are very lucky to live right on the 'Down's Link' see here and also a more tourist guide here.

Here are a few photos I took on my phone in transit...

Lots of lovely wild flower that is so tall up the banks. Beautiful buddleia - a fond memory of my childhood; catching butterflies with a net and storing in an ice-cream tub : D ( with holes punched in the top of course) but always letting them go. Wonderful.

This area is under development I believe; "fields of gold" in more ways than one...

Looking back...

My favourite bench stop: for resting or a turning point; depending on how I feel. It looks out to a field and a house which keeps horses.Lovely.

Friday, 18 July 2014


I am so sad after reading today's news. So, so sad. I know I have had people from both Russia and the Ukraine read my blog posts. I feel for both sides but will not post politics here.

I am sending a rose to you and my thoughts and love. Where to now?

My daughter has just been studying the '9/11' story in class. We were only just discussing it last night after tea. What do we tell our children but the truth as they grow to make up their own minds. She was two when '9/11' happened. The fear and terror continues. All we can do is hope and take care of ourselves and our humanity. This is not nature.

All my love to those left behind. So sad.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

White Roses

White roses signify peace and harmony. I had a hand-tie on my wedding day. We leave a white rose to those that are no longer here; at the graveside. White - a sign of peace, purity, beauty, life.

White rose in my garden

Sunday, 13 July 2014

First Ever Haiku (sentimental moment) - Birdsong

Today I went for my first run (jog really) for a year, following an Achilles strain and knee injury last year. I have my special insoles now and the trainers seemed to be OK. I will see how the legs feel tomorrow... I can now only run on grass to protect my joints but running around a field in the park is good enough for me.

On returning I felt refreshed albeit very warm. It is so muggy today. I have just been browsing through a very ancient journal of mine which contains drafts of my first writing started in 2004. Ten years ago seems like forever but when I look through at the roughs, I can see a pattern that I prefer short stories and I have some material there that I am currently working through. At the back of the notebook I had written my very first haiku (2005). I thought it deserved putting on here...

Beautiful chatter
echoing in stereo;
deafening at dawn.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Some pink rose pictures to cheer...

Roses always cheer me up. In fact I think I am going to go and buy me a bunch today. White I think from the florist; nice and expensive!
Here are some pictures of roses from Nymans (again!) from our June visit.
Enjoy and go buy some roses...

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Amazing Skies Dawning in July

Beautiful dawn sky 4.40 am yesterday -well worth being awake EARLY

Yesterday we went to the coast. The journey involved lots of cloud gazing for me; being the passenger this time. Special clouds for a very special day. Thought I would share some blue sky here; as today the rain is falling...

Views from my window taken in (passenger) transit

Looking above; at the seaside

I adore this  - my best shot ever...

Saturday, 5 July 2014

"Poetry Please" submission - Haiku

I sent this over to the Waitrose "Poetry Please" competition. You can find more details on their website here. I originally saw the competition on another writer's blog that I follow; at blogaboutwriting.(some great pointers and excellent posts for writers).

A little girl was a winner (which I think is lovely), along with five other ladies - a competition for all ages. I think my writing style was not quite on the subject they needed... after reading the other lighter pieces which I did enjoy. It's an interesting concept writing for a specific market and I am glad I sent a couple off for a chance. I find it makes a great focus for making one write and the bonus - a tiny chance of maybe winning something.

Here is a haiku that I wrote for this competition for June. Maybe I should have written one about PIMMS  with the tennis on right now (poor Andy - a tough competition this year at Wimbledon.)

Quintessence drunk by
ladies and gentlemen; ice
and a slice complete. 

Answer = a G&T to which I am quite partial!

Friday, 4 July 2014


I went to Worthing yesterday. I needed to escape...

Sometimes a trip to the coast is all I need to clear my head. Waves. I love the sound of them and the pure energy that they provide. Negative ions give me a boost. Always have done. I sat by the sea for a short while; I burn even with high UV factor. When I got back in the car my wet cargo trousers were seriously helpful; I like to paddle in the sea - don't care about getting wet much... It's good to be a kid again; even for a short moment.

Here are some pics I took. Not as good as our last visit in April but the waves were better yesterday. A lovely sea breeze was just the medicine I needed. One day I shall live nearer the beach - I can but dream. Until then; wave after wave after wave...