Saturday, 31 January 2015

Books, books and more books... keeping them alive.

I wrote this poem last year. I like to get books from charity shops and also am a supporter of keeping our local libraries. Tradition is important to me and hopefully we can keep it going for generations to follow.

Bedside Table

Library and charity
Upon my bedside table;
The community.
Keeping the library
Open for everyone
A British tradition.
Give your books to charity
For others to browse
Through; or buy if they 
Want to.
Recycling words
In paper form 
Before they're extinct.
National Libraries Day 2015 see here to support the library.

World Book Day  information at

For great books see Oxfam Bookshops.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Poem for January


I am not here
I am dead:
In mind
Not in body,
No head space
Taken too much 
By others cares,
Not intended; ended. 
My intention was
Not this way.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Looking For The Good

After a few weeks of colds (the never ending sniffles), rain, wind and general grey days, it's no wonder the normal January blues are at an all time high. The other day, I decided to look for the good.

After heavy rain, came blue sky. Birds seemed to fly more gracefully, darting from tree to tree in the garden. My usual walk to the shops was highlighted by a pink flowering shrub (a camellia, I believe) which I vowed to capture on my phone on the way home, hoping for better light. I found warmth in the coffee shop and the local charity shop. Not just the heating, but kind people who smiled, rather than look the other way. Everyone seemed more chatty about the changeable weather in a heart-warming way. I didn't mind getting wet - my hood sufficed the forgotten brolly (why does it always rain when you have no umbrella ;D and never when you are prepared?!). The dark clouds cleared. The shrub - in the church graveyard was captured (felt a little strange doing this but had to be done... albeit it came out blurred). I apologise for trespassing - as one does!

Beauty lives in nature

I look up to blue skies on my return journey. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...

Looking For The Good

is such a down
turned month to me.

I look around
to find the good -
this is what I see.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Writers and Artists Unite

Respect and peace #JeSuisCharlie. 

I felt compelled to write something. So sad. We stand tall.


Writers and Artists Unite

Freedom of voice
Freedom of expression
Freedom of choice
No fight.

Words and pictures
Writers and Artists

©Ali Newman 2015