Sunday, 31 August 2014

Reading Poetry

I have always enjoyed reading poetry; especially to relax my mind. I have just picked up a first edition (Goodwin, 1999) - edited by Daisy Goodwin 101 POEMS THAT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE. I borrowed it a few times from our library but bought my copy for a bargain 99p at Oxfam Books, whilst on holiday.

After reading many Wendy Cope collections from the library over the Summer holidays - (to keep sanity at bay) and mainly as Wendy was judging the Mslexia Poetry competition - alas it did not help with my competition entry... The plus side being though; I really enjoyed Wendy's poems and shall be ordering Serious Concerns and more of Wendy's books for my Kindle too. My favourite poems by Wendy have to be 'New Season', 'Loss', 'Flowers' and 'The Orange'.

Here is a poem that I wrote a while ago for my life poetry page.

Love reading, love books - keep it going.


Bedside Table 

Library and charity
Upon my bedside table;
The community
Keeping the library
Open for everyone
A British tradition.
Give your books to charity
For others to browse
Through; or buy if they
Want to.
Recycling words
In paper form
Before they're extinct.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

A Favourite Poem for Today and All Days

When I am doubting myself I turn to poetry. This poem by Sophie Hannah is my mantra. It is hard to keep to but whenever I need to ,I turn to it and know; the most important thing is to be myself. In a competitive world it is hard to be individual. We only have one chance at life so go be yourself <3.

If People Disapprove of You; by Sophie Hannah; courtesy of Poetry Channel accessed 6 Aug 2014.

You can view more about Sophie Hannah here on her website.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Wandering Wildflower Walker

Yesterday morning I went for a walk. Alone. Before the masses had turned the paths into a cycle and dog race! I only saw a few cyclists; sedate ladies and two more ladies with dogs. I often get jumped at by dogs but luckily these two were very well trained.

Here are a few pictures all taken early; when the plants were dripping with dew - a most impressive and inspiring start to the day. I highly recommend early runs, walks or cycles. The air is so fresh and clean.

Here is the view from the bridge I walked to. Actually quite eerie...

This is such a beauty...

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Stormy and humid

School holidays means rain and lots of it. Well we've had a few storms over the last week or so but the garden is surviving - just. The petunias have had a bashing but are growing back strong again, after some serious rain lashing.

Here are a few pictures I took before the rains came at the end of July. Sadly the roses seem to have stopped on this shrub now. The blooms last for only a day or so. Glad I snapped them when I did...